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MG: heart; pump; ticker MG: shape; form MG: picture; image; figure

Semantic relations:

English: heart
a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines
he drew a heart and called it a valentine
Português: coração
Italiano: cuore (figura)
Hrvatski: herc, srce
Bahasa Indonesia: hati
Català: cor
Norsk: hjerte
Íslenska: hjarta
中文: xīn, 心形xīn xíng, 心形物xīn xíng wù
Français: cœur
Polski: serce
ไทย: รูปหัวใจ
Български: сърце
Suomi: sydän
Slovenščina: srce, srček
norsk: hjerte
Español: corazón
日本語: ハート, ハート型ハートかた, ハート形ハートかたち
Româneşte: inimă
Nederlands: hart
Svenska: hjärta
Dansk: hjerte
Euskara: bihotz

WordNet: 1

(not your lang?)->
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{MG: column; pillar; shaftMG: bar; rod; shaft; baton; stick}beam