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{MG: goodMG: future; hereafter; futurity; time to comeMG: result; effect; outcome; consequence; event; issue; upshotMG: symbol; sign; token; mark; symbolisation; symbolic representation} MG: 's; of; possessive; -adj
Semantic relations:
  Opposes: 1

English: auspicious
auguring favorable circumstances and good luck
an auspicious beginning for the campaign
Português: auspicioso, propício
Polski: pomyślny
ไทย: เป็นมงคล
Suomi: lupaava, otollinen, hyväenteinen
Slovenščina: povoljen
中文: , xiáng,
Français: propice
ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ: مبارک, خجسته, سعید, فرخ, فرخنده
Bahasa Indonesia: bertuah
Slovenčina: priaznivý
Galego: prometedor, propicio, fausto
Español: prometedor, propicio
日本語: 幸先さいさき良いよい, 幸先良いさいさきよい
Hrvatski: povoljan
Català: propici
Lietuviškai: laimingas, palankus

WordNet: 1

(not your lang?)->
(your name/email):
[ oiponyayonyipodipilkosoiadi ]

{MG: scratchMG: cause; lead to; result in; generate; arouse; engender; give rise to}scratch