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English: tyrant, dictator
one invested with absolute authority
Русский: диктатор
日本語: 独裁者どくさいしゃ, 圧制者あっせいしゃ, 僭主せんしゅ, 専制君主せんせいくんしゅ, 暴君ぼうくん
Magyar: diktátor; önkényúr
Esperanto: diktatoro, tirano
简体中文: 独裁者dú cái zhě
繁體中文: 獨裁者
Português: o tirano, ditador
Italiano: tiranno, dittatore
Ελληνικά: δικτάτορας, τύραννος

Wikipedia: 1 2

Español: dictador
Deutsch: Tyrann, Diktator
Nederlands: dictator
Suomi: tyranni, diktaattori
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[[MG: not; no; nope; don't; nonMG: individual]MG: like; as; similar to; forMG: father; male parent; begetterMG: knowMG: son; boy]No one knows a son better than the father