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English: purpose, goal, end
future-oriented rationale: 'for the purpose of', 'destined for'; the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it
the ends justify the means
العربية: غرض, غاية, <root> غوي, <brokenpl> غاي, هدف, <brokenpl> أهداف
Deutsch: die Absicht
Româneşte: finalitate, scop
Nederlands: eindbestemming
Български: цел
Suomi: tavoite, päämäärä
עברית: מַטָּרָה
Lietuviškai: tikslas
Euskara: helburu, helmuga, fin, xede

Wikipedia: 1

简体中文: 目的mù dì, 目标mù biāo, 终点zhōng diǎn
繁體中文: 目的, 目標, 終點
Português: o propósito, alvo, intenção, meta, objectivo
日本語: 目処めど, 目当てめあて, 目標もくひょう, 目的もくてき, 目的地もくてきち, 目途めど
Hrvatski: cilj
Bahasa Indonesia: akhir
Svenska: mål
Slovenčina: cieľ
Norsk: resultat, utfall
Slovenščina: cilj, namen, smoter
Íslenska: endalok, lok, ending, botn, endir

WordNet: 1

Español: fin, finalidad, meta, objetivo, propósito
Français: objectif, fin, but
Italiano: fine, proposito, meta, obbiettivo, obiettivo, scopo
ไทย: เป้าหมาย
Ελληνικά: σκοπός, στόχος
Català: fi, finalitat, meta, objectiu, propòsit
Dansk: resultat, udfald
Shqipe: synim, qëllim
toki pona: tawa
norsk: resultat, utfall
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[MG: compete; strive; vieMG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action](the) competition